So, you scored a 155 on your LSAT this October?
Here's a simple reality for you to understand:
Even if you have a fantastic undergrad record, it will not be enough to overcome a low lsat score! 155 is just about average and definitely will not move you to the top of the application pile at any law school in the United States! But, it can be overcome and need not decide your future...
If you do have a 155 lsat score - you're going to need to get busy overcoming this score in your application.
Seriously, don't waste a minute. Your law school application needs to be perfect. What constitutes a perfect application (in lieu of great lsats and a 4.0 undergrad GPA):
a) Leveraging your work and professional experience. Tell the law school admissions officers why your work experience is more important than your academic record. If you've received promotions, pay raises, performance benefits, increased responsibility or whatever, you have an accomplishment to sing from the rooftops! Good applicants find a way to work this into any essay or personal statement!
2) Detailing how you overcame any past hardship(s) in your life. Don't pass on adding an addendum to your application detailing the hardships you've overcome. If you're grandmother (god forbid) passed away while you were in college and it caused your grades to nose dive, it is probably worth mentioning in an addendum or essay.
3) Tout your diversity (race, religion, blue collar, socio-economic background... use whatever you've got!) in your personal statement or diversity statement and how this makes you a desirable applicant.

Finally and most importantly, if you need help crafting the perfect law school admissions application, you'll need Covert Tactics and Law School Secrets. These books teach you exactly, step by step how to overcome a bad 155 lsat by giving you insider tips and knowledge into exactly what the law school admissions officer is looking for in your application. How can you proceed without this information?