Sunday, December 28, 2008

December 2008 LSAT

I just wanted to take a moment and provide a list of some of the many Decemeber 2008 LSAT resources that are cropping up around the web. Happy New Year and Good Luck!

December 2008 LSAT Resources on the Web:

Law School Admissions Tips

February LSAT and February LSAT Prep

150 LSAT: What To Do?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

February LSAT Preparation

The February LSAT is right around the corner. If you haven't registered yet - get busy - as you are running out of time. More importantly, what are you doing for LSAT prep? I only ask, because when I took the LSAT I studied for 8 solid weeks. This really really worked for me. I went up 15 points from my first pre-study LSAT practice tests to my final, earned and official LSAT score. This means that if you are serious about studying for the LSAT in February of 2009, you're going to need to start studying right now. I thought the 8 week study period really worked well for me. My interest, LSAT acumen and skills all seemed to "click" during the week of the exam. I think if I would have studied longer I would have had some serious fatigue. Anyways, good luck with your LSAT prep and try to leave yourself enough time pre-exam.